Thursday, 22 May 2008

Illustration in three dimensions and two timezones...

In the summer time, when the pollen hangs heavy and promise fills London's parks, most folx pass time time sinking extra-strength brews and messing about in boats. Me? More likely to be messing about in hobby shops, I'm afraid. Sad? Or the way of the future?

Thursday, 15 May 2008

Le visage, c'est bon.

Faces fascinate me. Especially faces of those I love. Or admire. So I am busy fashioning a collection of them. This is Sruli Recht, a man of many talents, just beyond the cusp of greatness, and possessing a lifelong platinum membership to my Mutual Appreciation Society. Have a look at his wonderful works at Should you like to be immortalised as Mr Recht has been, rest assured I take requests.